Wellness Consulting
Many corporations are using publicity campaigns to promote the idea of Wellness. Kaiser Permanente's famous "Thrive," and recently, the City of North Lake Tahoe posted a huge billboard in San Francisco reading,
"You called: you want your balance back.”
Consumers are no longer clinging to the old definitions of health as the "absence of disease." Increasingly, consumers and workers seek satisfying experiences and workplaces that acknowledge them as whole beings and help them achieve a sense of well-being and balance. The beauty is that Wellness in not just a slogan. It is a win-win paradigm shift.
Companies like Pillsbury and Coors find that establishing corporate wellness programs improves their bottom line. It is estimated that for every dollar spent on Wellness promotion, a company can expect a return on the average of three dollars.
Please get in touch with me for more information about the wellness consulting program.
A Wellness Program in the Workplace can TRIPLE your ROI:
Attract more customers, improve employee retention, health, and morale!
Wellness Programs in the workplace is a win-win paradigm shift that is taking hold in many industries.
It is also a sound business model because it recognizes your employees as your company's greatest asset. Their health and well-being directly affect their productivity and YOUR bottom line!
That's where I come in. Think of me as a guide to the wonderful world of Wellness.
I can help you install or upgrade your External Wellness campaign and services in the following ways:
Coordinate a Publicity campaign with services and enhance employee skills and attitudes that deliver on your advertising promises.
Help you prepare and present your proposal to the decision makers
Personalize and coordinate Wellness retreats, seminars and workshops for motivation, stress management, team building, and customer service.
Boost your company's ROI
Pillsbury, Apple, Google and Coors are improving their bottom line with corporate wellness programs!​
"The Canadian Institute of Stress found that stress control programs alone can result in an 18% reduction of absences, 32% reduction in grievances, 52% reduction in disability time, 7% improvement in productivity , and 13% improvement in service quality...Essentially, for every dollar spent on wellness promotion, a company can expect a return of between 1.15 to 8.00, with the most popular return coming in at about $3.00."
Workers are not only seeking satisfying free-time experiences as consumers, they are also more likely to join a company, and stay there, if that workplace acknowledge them as whole beings, and helps them to achieve a sense of well being, balance and satisfaction.
What is "Wellness and Why is it Catching On?"​
In its simplest form "Wellness" is the pursuit of enhancing/maintaining personal well being. This idea is coming of age for several reasons. Cumulative research is pointing toward stress as being an epidemic. In 1997 Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard Medical School, head of the National Institute for Health (NIH) testified before Congress saying that "stress is responsible for 75-90 percent of visits to doctors." Stress is a contributing factor for a host of expensive and preventable illnesses, such as heart disease, depression, anxiety, high-blood pressure and alcoholism, to name just a few.
One of the most successful P.R. campaigns comes from Kaiser Permanente who is successfully revamping their reputation with a now familiar, one-word slogan: "Thrive." Their adds sound more like public service announcements encouraging exercise, relaxation and laughter as healthy activities. In-house, they have added services such as acupuncture and pain management seminars.
But the Wellness revolution is not confined to health care. In addition to restaurants offering gluten-free and low-fat food options, the leisure, travel and hospitality industries are on board too. Notably, the City of North Lake Tahoe, recently posted a huge billboard at a major intersection in San Francisco reading:
"You called: You want your balance back.”
This ad is no fluke. It is clearly marking a trend. According to Spa Finder Wellness, Inc.
in their 2014 “State of Spa Travel Report," an annual survey of over 300 North American Travel Agents, sited that: "75% of North American agents see wellness tourism as a distinctly rising travel trend."
The article goes on to say:
There is an Increased Desire for Total Wellness Experiences: ... But in 2013 agents reported that health/wellness offerings like exercise and weight loss are now important to 84%, mind-body-spirit programming is important to 68%, and nature/adventure experiences like hiking, water sports, etc. are sought by 67%.
I look forward to hearing from you and helping your company.
Services and Prices are negotiated according to the needs of your specific company.